Pushing the envelope since 2009
It started as a group effort to create an Enchanted Folk/Magician's Quest wiki. Now we sit around, chat and play video games together. Scroll down to join us on IRC. Everyone is welcome.
We play PC and Steam games, Nintendo games and some older emulated games mainly.
You can find our Steam Group by clicking on the Steam icon to the right.
I don't even want to go into detail on what IRC is, Wikipedia will do that for me. Suffice to say that you're about to enter one chatroom on entire networks of chatrooms - #enchantedbros on Rizon isn't the only one you could join. People who use IRC often usually do it with standalone programs such as mIRC instead of webchats that run on your browser, but both connect to the same servers and channels. You don't have to care.
More specific to our channel, there are a few things you should know:
#EnchantedBros doesn't really have any real rules, but there are some specific ways on how people should behave on IRC. Here's a couple of protips:
- Enchanted Folk and Magician's Quest Wiki project by bros, for bros
IRC:Server irc.rizon.net, channel #enchantedbros (#magicianbros is fine too)
If you don't know how IRC works, CLICK HERE to join the chatroom.
The forum and the IRC channel occasionally contain strong language, but the Wiki is clean.
The forums were shut down due to inactivity. IRC is still active, though. So just click IRC at the top at join us!
page kept in its original style, which is as old as #eb itself